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7 Reasons Why Men Leave The Women They Love:: What and why is the main reasons WHY men would leave the woman they love, it’s sad but these men have no other option but to leave the W..

What and why is the main reasons WHY men would leave the woman they love, it’s sad but these men have no other option but to leave the W...

What and why is the main reasons WHY men would leave the woman they love, it’s sad but these men have no other option but to leave the Woman they love. You might want to ask, which situation would be that bad, to prompt a Man to leave a woman they loved? I will be answering this question for you here on this article.

Firstly, you should know that it takes courage to fall in love. For a man, you should probably know that it is more difficult when a woman falls in love. When a man falls in love, it isn’t just the Love wind that sweep him off his feet, he takes certain things into account, including the suffering that might arrive from that person because he will open up all of himself to her.

The Man does not dive in Love fully, but takes steps little by little into the world of second-guessing and ups and downs. You should know that Men are fully aware of the fact that they are not born with the innate understanding of how women operate. Sometimes it’s just simple factors.

1.He feels that she’s trying to fix him.

The particular point is one of the most important and biggest reasons why Men do leave the woman they love, However, this circumstance totally depend on the idealogy you’re trying to change in the guy. If it is smoking and you want to change it, wiser Men will know you mean them good, but HERE are some valid reasons why Men would Painfully Leave the Woman they love, and these includes;

Wanting to change his friends,
watching Footballs with his friends
Limiting his free time outside, etc.

The changes in feeling a man has for a Women starts when his doubt comes through. When a man starts to feel that he’s not enough, that his flaws are huge, or that he cannot be himself without been judgment by his spouse, he begins to find the exit door gently. Women tend to emasculate men by making them their projects and trying their best to change them to the “Man of the Dream”.

One of the brightest mind on Planet earth, Albert Einstein once said and I quote, “The Men folks always marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably both are always disappointed.”

The truth is that Men do not change, and no one truly needs to – the only need thing changeable about them, is that they discover who they truly are. A man can grow and mature with the help of a loving and supportive partner, not a nagging woman who is hell bent on changing and judging him.

2.He is threatened by the woman’s success.

Sorry to blow your thoughts away, but it has actually been proven that Men are threatened by the success of their spouse, the study wasn’t conducted in a remote part in India or Africa, but right in the United States of America.

This study was conducted by the University of Florida, and it was shown that men experience a huge blow to their self-esteem when their female partners experience success, even when they are not in direct competition with the Woman.

A woman’s success also impacts in a negative manner how the man views the future of the relationship, and even if the Guy is a feminism, he’s very unsure of what the future holds for the relationship. If the man has not been able to attain the success he feels he deserves, this is a strong and arguing, a pressing reason for him to leave the woman.

He cannot join her in her success because he is comparing his failures and might want to go lick his wound of failure somewhere.

3. Nagging Spouse

Nagging is one characteristics both genders hates, especially the Men. Who even loves a nagging spouse? Someone who naggs for 7 hours about you leaving the toilet sit down, then takes 3 hours to nag about your inability to get a job and provide for her like her friend, uncle, etc.

Men can zone out a woman’s voice most of the time. Unfortunately, the constant nagging and belittling can take a toll in a relationship in long run. Men may play like children, but you should know that they aren’t actually kids. They do not tolerate the constant whining and complaining. Men need to feel appreciated. Nagging forms a negative habit that eventually is ignored and avoided. It adds to negative reinforcement which becomes passive aggressive and spurrs fight in a relationship always.

You should probably know that to a man, a woman who nags is the least sexy creature on the planet, and they won’t want to do or have anything to do with her, no matter how much he loves her.

4. Lack of intimacy

Believe it or not, men crave intimacy just as much as women. Women might always look like they loved intimacy, but secretly the Man also wants it as much as the woman. If a man has to beg for it while the woman holds it hostage to get him to do things, he may leave the relationship to seek that connection with someone else who will willingly give him what he needs and deserved.

A man will not stay in a relationship with a woman who will not participate in intimate encounters with their partner. A man falls in love with a woman for many reasons, but he also needs to feel that he is the most attractive person in her life, not second choice.

5.She compares and Contrast Him To Other Men

One of the most paintful way a woman can hurt the ego and feeling of a man, is to compare him with other men, especially theirEX. It’s painful, and even though the Man may have the love Romeo had for Juliet, he will soon get his fill of the relationship and decides to break it.

There is nothing more annoying, more painful and more ego shattering to a man than listening to a woman talk about past relationships and Men she will love to date. When the woman starts to compare him to an ex, that’s the beginning of the end. Men do not want to analyze their partner’s past, financially, se xually, muscle wise, etc.

A man wants to believe he is the only one that matters right now. He doesn’t want to hear that a previous lover did this or that. He wants to know that what he is doing right now is enough.

6. Emotional co-dependency.

Men need their space once in a while.Whenever a man loves a women, there are times he needs space to think and do things for himself. A man doesn’t want to be treated as a possession, and this is one of the things men hates the most, been treated as a Woman’s handbag. Men need their friends, games, etc. Men do not like to feel like babysitters. When a man begins to feel that he has lost his freedom to participate in sports, outings or social gatherings with his friends, the man weights his option and starts to thinking that leaving the relationship is his only means of freedom. And don’t underestimate a human who needs freedom, they will take any possible means to get it, even if it breaks their heart.

A healthy relationship requires that both parties have their own set of friends and hobbies. Co-dependency tarnishes the spark of a relationship.

Men don’t over analyze this. It is a feeling of being imprisoned. The moment they feel like their lives have drastically been drafted and controlled by the woman they love, that’s when they break up. Men truly fear losing their freedom, actually, it’s their biggest fear which plays to make most men afraid of marriage.

Men love women, it is an undeniable fact. They fall in love with the expectation of being appreciated, respected and supported. When he no longer feels like he is the hero of the story, he will make a serious decision in changing his relationship status

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